Our Mission
Strengthen biodiversity study in Somaliland
Develop resources, offer workshops, encourage engagement.

Somaliland is a “global biodiversity hotspot.”
This means it has an unusually high number of species, many known only from Somaliland. The slide show features posters of some of the species found there. To download them, go here.

Help Us Make a Difference
The Foundation was established in 2016 to help create, within Somaliland, opportunities for developing knowledge of the country’s biodiversity and its sustainable management. At that time, most knowledge about the country’s biodiversity came from foreigners, primarily because there was not, and never had been, an opportunity to gain the education needed in Somaliland. The Foundation is working to change that situation.
News & Updates

December 2024
Animal images from people associated with the Biodiversity Museum at the University of Hargeisa are now being shared with GBIF. At present, most are of insects. but it is designed to make available clear, identifiable, documented images all kinds of animal.

November 2024: Visiting a site described by Swayne
One of sites visited by Swayne in the late 1800s and by Faisal (SBF) and Xiyar (MoECC) in November 2024.
Faisal has been accepted as a participant in the course on "Plant Taxonomy Skills for Conservation" that will be offered by the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew in collaboration with the East African Herbarium and the University of Nairobi in Kenya in June 2025.