Want to learn more about Somaliland’s biodiversity? This page is for you. It contains links to posters, articles, books, and web sites with information. Some of the links are to items behind a paywall. Accessing them may be possible through a local library or a colleague. To suggest additions, use the contact form.
By Tomáš Mazuch: Tomáš' posters feature different groups of plants and animals. Each shows species found in Somaliland. They are particularly suited to college classrooms and museums. They can be downloaded for free via the links provided.
By Helen Pickering: Most of Helen's posters feature some aspect of Somaliland’s biodiversity, but one relates to the history of Zeila. They are designed for enjoyment.
From scientific meetings: These vary in their content and appeal.
Coming soon! There are many hard to find printed reports, articles, etc. about Somaliland and its biodiversity. The Foundation will post citation information, with links to online sources if they exist, of those it knows of. Some of the online resources will be open access, other may not be but may be available through a colleague, library or purchase. We shall be using tags to help you locate those that would be useful to you.
If there are you would like is to post, use the contact form. Donations to pay for scanning, upload, and tagging would also help!
Glaser, B., Lehmann, J. and Zech, W. (2002)
Ameliorating Physical and Chemical Properties of Highly Weathered Soils in the Tropics with Charcoal: A Review. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 35, 219-230.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00374-002-0466-4 [Behind paywall]
There are many useful web sites. The Biodiversity Museum shares specimen- and imaged-based information about Somaliland's biodiversity via OpenHerbarium and OpenZooMuseum. Information on how to use them is on Biodiversity Knowledge Sharing. The herbarium ercords from The Biodiversity Museum are also shared with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility.